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Know What a Home Page Is and What It Does for Websites

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Understanding what a home page is, is one of the important things when building a website. As the main page, the home page plays a role in facilitating visitors in navigating and understanding the content of the website they are opening. Generally, the URL used as the home page is the basic domain name of a website.

For example, when you enter https://a-creative.id, you will be taken to the A-Creative home page. There you will see various navigation options that help you get what you want. For more details, you can read the brief description of the home page below.

What is a Home Page?

The front page, main page, or homepage of a website is a simple definition of what a home page is. The home page is the main page that visitors will see when visiting your domain. In other words, this is the default page that can be used to attract attention, facilitate navigation, and inform visitors about the content of the website.

However, a website may have several home pages, such as a multilingual website that requires different home pages based on a certain language. The important thing to note in creating this page is a design that emphasizes easy and attractive visualization and navigation. The goal is to improve the visitor experience when accessing your website.

Function of the Home Page

Every part of the website certainly has its own function, as does the home page. According to the meaning of what a home page is, the main function of this page is to provide an overview of information to visitors about the content of a website without having to explore every page.

The following are some of the homepage’s additional features:

  • Facilitating users to access the main page
  • Representing the identity or main topic of a website
  • Displaying a list of features or navigation menus owned by a website
  • Displaying a summary of the content published on the website

Important Components in the Home Page

If you are building a website to promote your business, then the home page is an important tool that serves to give a first impression to potential customers. Here are some important components that you should add to your website’s home page.


The logo should be visible at the top of the website. This is the core of branding and represents your business identity. The logo on the website often serves another function as a link to the home page.


The navigation area on the home page is like a map that provides an overview of the website to visitors, and helps them find the information they are looking for using the most efficient route. Efficient descriptive navigation is also useful in reducing bounce rates.


In a matter of seconds, you need to clearly convey what you offer to visitors. The headline and subheadline usually consist of 2-3 strong, easy-to-remember, and concise sentences.

Call to Action

One of the functions of the home page is to grab visitors’ attention and persuade them to explore other pages on your website further. A call to action or commonly known as CTA is one way to draw them to the entry page in the sales cycle.

Also read: SEO Friendly Website, Here’s the Structure

The first step in creating your own website is to have a basic understanding of what a home page is. By following @acreative.id on Instagram, you can follow the developments in digital marketing.

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