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Here are Some Tips to Save Google Ads Costs!


Advertising a product is something that every business must do. Whether it is a startup business or an established business, all of them need to advertise their products. Luckily, Google offers Google Ads, an advertising medium that has a Pay per Click (PPC) feature, to make advertising easier and faster. Keep reading this article to find out more about the costs. 

PPC enables advertisers to pay advertising costs only based on the number of clicks on the ad. However, you need to make sure that your chosen target audience is ideal for the product you want to advertise. You will be competing against other brands who also use Google Ads. Thus, by choosing the right target, you can get the best outcome from your ad campaign. 

How to Save Google Ads Costs 

Anda sebagai pengiklan pastinya ingin mendapatkan manfaat terbaik dari aktivitas beriklan yang dilakukan. Anda juga tetap bisa melakukannya dengan biaya yang lebih hemat. Simak tips di bawah ini untuk melakukannya:

As an advertiser, you certainly want to get the best results out of your ad campaigns. And you can certainly do just that at a lower cost. Check out the tips below:

1. Choose the Right Keywords 

Choosing the keywords is one of the things that will affect the costs to be incurred. And you can choose keywords that contain your brand name to save costs and spread awareness. This is because Google offers a cheaper price for your own brand names. In addition, keywords containing brand names also have a higher chance of being clicked by internet users.

Besides keywords that contain your brand name, you can also choose long tail keywords. Because longer keywords are usually more specific and have less competition. For example, the keyword “clothing shop” is too general when compared to “kids clothes shop”. That way, the costs for the later will be cheaper. 

2. Choose the Right Advertising Time 

The second tip to save on Google Ads costs is to choose the right time to advertise. You can reduce the costs incurred by only deploying your ads on specific time. Additionally, the ads that are deployed at the right time can also give more optimal results. You should take your target audience’s online time into account. By doing this, your campaigns are surely deployed during the “rush hour”. 

3. Choose the Right Target Location 

This method is suitable when you are running a local business. To be able to reach a more specific local audience, you can choose your domicile on Google Ads. For instance, if your target market is Indonesia, select the appropriate country and language in the campaign setting. Another strategy is to embed your desired city or area on your chosen keywords. 

4. Utilize Google Search Console

Google Search Console is a free web tool made by Google that you should take advantage of. You can utilize it to do your keyword research; finding data regarding keyword volume and its interest wherever your target audience is. Thus, you are able to put your ad campaigns on Google’s first result page. And it won’t cost you anything! 

Read also: SEO Google Organik atau SEM dengan Iklan?

Those are 4 tips to save Google Ads costs that you can apply. Every business owner wants the product or service they sell to reach their target audience. By implementing an effective marketing strategy, you can certainly make your business grow fast. One of them is to use ads as a promotional medium. If you want to try a marketing strategy with Google Ads or other types of online advertising, A-Creative can assist you build an effective strategy to grow your business.

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